
zorro was born-4-2-2011,and passed away 3-28-2012.his is the brother of bullseye in my other memorial..he had wetform FIP.as i found out recently his bro.had dryform fip..i also was trying homopathic care..w/o corizons-and corcortizones that weakens the thmus..whith the 2x draining,and natural vitamins,antitoxidents..he survivied 2 more months..as i didnt find out soon enough..he was a strong fighter,and held on because he knew how much i wanted and cared for him..he was quiet,purring(even as sick as he was)he loved sleeping with me..and was much joy to have him around..he didnt give a fuss to anything even his meds…he is now with his bro.(bullseye)his newborn bro.and his feline mom at rainbow bridge..servived by his human mom & dad,lynn and randy.feline companions,booger,smudge,peenut,jasper,kee-kee,you-you,meow-meow,precious,prettygirl(aunt),buddy,and his only serviving sister snuggles..

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