
My sweetest Remy,

I have never felt so much heartbreak as I’m feeling after losing you! I’m sorry I wasn’t here with you to say goodbye ! Thou you were only with me for 7 short years , you touched sooo many lives! Even mom cat people loved you!!! Aunt Dawnie and Uncle Ron are devastated too!

You were my best friend with personality plus and I still wait for you to barge into my room after I turn out the lights and wait for you to paw at my bed so I could invite you up, then you’d give me one of your famous “Kitty Facials ” then take over half my pillow and cuddle with me!!

I swear you were part dog because of how you would guard the steps and always knew when it was Friday and Uncle Ron would be here! You also always knew to wake Sam up for school!!

I am missing you sooo much!!

I hope your at the Rainbow Bridge and will wait for me!

I’ll always love and miss you my sweet Remmer!


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