Lenka and Marcus Olivier
It happened on October 17th, when our beloved golden retriever, Ziggy, died, 3 days before his 16th birthday.
We all felt that it was coming… the Saturday prior he came to me wanting to cuddle up in a strange, nervous way like he was asking for a permission to go. I was sitting on the floor and lift him up in my arms and rocked him like a mommy rocks her baby. He was so frail that he completely fit into my arms. I cried whispering into his ear that it’s is OK to go. Sunday his eyes were grey like a fire has come out and on Monday he passed away.
Even though we were all feeling that the inevitable was coming, one is never quite prepared for the death of a loved one.
I was devastated and so was my son that spent his entire life with Zig.
So we were so grateful for a Faithful Companion, and the way they handled our emergency.
It happened at 5 pm and within couple of hours they arrived in our house, lifted my baby into a large white carton coffin and transported him to the crematorium while us and our friends and Ziggy’s sitter followed.
We were alone in the cremation room decorated with murals of doggie heaven and display of beautiful urns and stones waiting for Ziggy’s body to turn to ashes.
After 2 hours we were given a polished wooden box engraved with Ziggy’s name, imagine they managed to engrave while we were waiting.
Thank you, Faithful Companion, for the impeccable service, special atmosphere and care you have given us during such difficult family times. You surpassed all my expectations.
Lenka and Marcus Olivier