Customer Testimonial

Kathleen Whelan

My Sweet Rottweiler Roxy,She was laid to rest on September 28, 2012.Her amazing Vetrinarian Dr Rybak and incredible staff, were so comforting.When she crossed over, i knew she would be cremated, It was so devastating that i couldnt wrap my head around what was truly involved!!,well let me say this!! For such a difficult time for me, and grieving in such a deep emotional way, i didnt want her to go someplace i wasnt familiar with, when she said the cooraner had been there patiently waiting for over 40 minutes for me i was blown away!! and as i glanced out the window from where my roxy still lay, i saw her!! she was gentle and kind, warm and so understanding, and when i was asked if i would like her Blanket and pillow to be creamated with her??? well, it was just too much caring and understanding in such a hard time , i know it sounds crazy, but i was Happy to know even the cooranor was amazing, and i wasnt in a state to really thank her as well, for helping me with that really tuff transition,
It turn out, I know of the owners there in clifton, I used to live in that town and tend church services at their church. and Back then even they were truly Beautiful people. Thank you so much for your nurturing ,kind special staff you have. My Roxys final resting place is A Beautiful Cedar box with her name in a Beautiful Bronze lettering, Thank you for really helping in a nurturing way. We who love our furry friends ,are not just animal owners, we are grieving a loss of a member of our family!! So thank you!!! And Dr Rybak and Barbara, Courtney and the staff i didnt meet, for Bringing our Furry children to your Beautiful facility,
Kathleen Whelan(Roxys Mommy)