
Our darling Sergeant had to leave us suddenly on Thursday, January 14th, 2016….and my world will never be the same. Sergeant was the best dog anyone could ever ask for. He was a mini schnauzer and full of personality. He survived 2 bladder stone surgeries and liver cancer to live to the age of 16 years and 7 months. He didn’t have a mean bone in his body…and loved to have his neck scratched. He had the most kind eyes. The first time I saw him iI fell in love…and brought him home. Sergeant loved to sleep in late and in his younger years…chase squirrels. He loved playing with his doggie and sleeping in his wicker bed. Sergeant would just…be there with you, wherever you went. He never licked your face…just enjoyed sniffing you. However, that last day…when we had to say goodbye…he licked my face over and over. It was as if he was thanking me and telling me it would be ok…and to let him go. His dog brother Scooter misses him terribly. My husband and I are heartbroken. I know my mom was waiting for you Sergeant. Keep being a good boy and I will see you again over the Rainbow Bridge someday. Please visit me in my dreams. I love you…my wonderful Sergeant. You were the best doggie…always and forever.

  • January 20, 2016
    It is so sad to know that my "step brother" has passed. It seems like only yesterday, that as tiny puppies, we scurried and hid under the couch in the home where we shared our first year together.

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