
I first met Buster in Mississippi many winters ago while I was visiting my sister. He was small with big eyes and an underbite, and he snored – even when awake. He lived nearby but he found what he needed at my sister’s house – food, attention, protection, and warmth at night when he curled up with her big dog outside. My sister decided to rescue Buster and our dad thought he’d like a little companion dog so she took Buster to live with Dad in West Virginia. Dad soon realized he didn’t want a young dog and without much coaxing I took Buster to live with me in North Carolina, where he met his brother, Bojangles, a large golden retriever who we’d adopted a year or two earlier. Buster weighed 22 pounds and Bo weighed 72 pounds. They were best friends. (Bojangles died in 2012.) During Buster’s life with me, he met many people and their pets. Buster was a good dog, mostly self-trained, gentle and polite. He traveled many vacations with us to NY, FL, and GA, in addition to MS and WV. Buster and I walked together every day of every year, rain or shine. We ate together – no matter what I was eating, I always gave him my last bite (sometimes a nibble, sometimes a full meal). We slept together – when Buster was younger he liked to burrough under my blankets and I was afraid he would suffocate. But now being older and deaf and almost blind, he preferred to stay on the floor, on one of his four dogbeds. His favorite spot was perched at the top of the stairs, where he could always see our coming and going. When Buster was younger, we played a hide and seek and chase game. When he was happy or excited or was waiting for a “cookie” from his dogtreat box, Buster had a certain way of moving his feet, like tapdancing – we called it “doing the buster.” Even in his old age he would do his Buster Dance. I miss my friend. I still expect him – I expect to see him, to get home so I can walk him, to hear his snoring, to anticipate his toenails tapping the floor, to see him from the corner of my eye. I’m not sad that Buster died; he lived a long happy life. I’m devastated for the way Buster died; he was killed by an unleashed pit bull dog as we walked together in our neighborhood. I’m trying hard to replace the nightmare of his death with good memories of his life. Buster was a sweetheart. I like to think the love was mutual. 🙂

  • November 18, 2016
    Oh Dear Buster.... You had a lot of love in your life!!! I loved you and wanted the very best for you when I first saw you in ms laying with my big hug dog, ha I think you thought you was as big as her. Well bussie you got the very best!!! You got my sister... In that I find a smile. Gonna miss seeing you old boy... I loved you Buster.... Aunt Kimbo.
  • November 18, 2016
    I can't say it any better then my wife Rhonda did. I too miss him, I too look for him every morning when I wake up or walk in the house and look to the top of the stairs. Buster and Bo were the best friend I've ever had. They listened to me unconditionally, they were always happy to see me. They new when I was happy , sad or not feeling well. Since Buster has moved on to see his brother from another mother, I hear noises in the house during the day, thinking someone in up stairs or down stairs depending where I am. I'm thinking it is buster and Bo Bo playing together. I can't imagine what Rhonda and Buster went through that day, I hope Rockin can start to sleep peacefully at night some time soon. I have been gifted with many years of loving and very funny memories of Buster and Bo. They will always live on as I share my stories of them to whom ever will listen. BDP.
  • November 18, 2016
    The day I was told aout Bussie dying and aout the event, it just crushed me because when I came to visit Buster kept me company all day long....bu I understand that Bussie was and older doggy and that he had a terrific life filled with love and kindness and Buster will forever live on in my heart and mind.....i willnever forget his look when he thought I wasn't paying attention or if I didn't immediately remember his treat after we came in from a walk ...Buster was like my sister's best friend and I felt happy knowing because of him my sister would get her exercise by walking hi. Buster was such an award winning pet, he should have a movie made about him!
  • November 18, 2016
    Buster was a great Dog! EVERYone loved him who met him! I remember when he started hanging out at Kimbo's.... I remember operation "save buster" ... lol! When he left Mississippi to go to his furever home....I remember He came to stay with me in my first house, right after I got married. Sadie loved Buster too. He was in my house when it got Robbed once... and the door was wide open. I was scared for him and Sadie most of all and was so glad to find them both safe! And neither of them ran away. He probably thought it was another friend. He didn't get too excited over people... or aggravate people, he was chill. :) There was a quote by a young boy that went viral, and it's so true. He overheard his parents saying how dog lives are much shorter than human lives.... and he said "I know why, He said,”People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life — like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?” The Six-year-old continued, "Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay as long.” Buster loved. Buster was nice. Good job Bussy!!!

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