Customer Testimonial

Bill and Toni

While nothing will console my family and I relative to the loss our deeply loved and beloved Golden Retriever, Duke, words fail to express the immeasurable comfort you afforded us through the devoted, caring, and compassionate attention you provided to our ‘Bunny’.

Outside of truly believing that we will one day be reunited with Duke, our greatest comfort in all of this has come from the same-day, respectful treatment and handling he received following his death. Knowing that he was cared for in such a dignified and caring manner, and having him returned to his home within 24 hours of leaving us is the only thing that has made our overwhelming pain and loss bearable.

I don’t know what we would have done without Jason during this process. He responded quickly to our needs, despite that it was on a Saturday and was understanding, patient and supportive throughout the arrangement process. When he returned our precious ‘Bunny’ to us on Saturday evening, Jason was extremely professional and expressed a genuine sympathy for our loss. His warmth and compassion will not be forgotten.

Jason and FCM, thank you beyond measure for your compassionate kindness to our Faithful Companion – it genuinely means more than you can know.

Bill and Toni